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You can be sure that we follow researchers and those heavily invested in social equality who are aware of the Poverty Cycle & how it is inter-generational!


Our aim to break the intergenerational barriers poverty creates by providing disadvantaged students access to communityadventure learning experiences on a regular basis. We will achieve this by partnering with the exciting businesses that complete the learning, connectivity & experience gaps.  


Let's follow the pioneering research and programs conducted by the leading organizations that engage with inequality and poverty like the Centre for Social Impact  University of New South WalesThe Smith Family, Macquarie University, The Big Issue, Australian National University and others and act on their findings.


Our resolve not simply to let more research be discussed and put aside for others. Instead we are using the knowledge to put into action a model that aims to subvert inequity at non-traditional education sites that we understand as fundamental for youth learning, development & connectivity.


You can support us below by buying one of our tees or pins and or donating through our Amazing Partners!



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Funny kid with toy jet pack. Happy child playing at home. Success, imagination and innovat

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